
Register Bidders

Form to register new bidders and edit existing bidders. Bidders are filtered by selected sale date from the Auction Menu.

To add or register a new bidder, click the [Add Bidder] button on the bottom of the form. This will open the "Get Party" form.

To remove a bidder, click the underlined, blue "Remove" text that appears on a bidder record. After reading the prompt that appears, select "Yes."
Note: if a bidder has associated owners, the deletion prompt will provide the number of associated owners that are being removed with the main bidder.

Double-click on a bidder record to open the "Bidder Registration" form to:

  • Set bidding limit
  • Render bidder eligible or ineligible
  • Add associated owners - Act 33 of 2021
  • tax_claim/register_bidders_form.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/08/09 15:46 UTC
  • by samuel