
Post Office Menu

This menu lets you import electronic signatures from the post office.

The first set of buttons should be run in order. They are separate buttons because the process may take a long time to complete for very large post office files. By breaking the process in to steps, we were able to make it possible to pause and resume the process at a later time.

Get Zip Files

Gets .zip files from an external source. Depending on the county, this may be an automatic download from the USPS FTP site or it may ask you to select a .zip file using a file dialog.

This step must be done before extracting the zip files.

Extract Zip Files

Extracts the files from inside the zip files imported in the previous step. This step must be done before the files can be processed.

Process Files
Events Report
Returns Report

Close this menu form

  • tax_claim/post_office_menu_form.txt
  • Last modified: 2016/09/06 20:10 UTC
  • by