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This function returns the total budget of a Federal Report line as of a certain date.

FedRptBalance(RptName, LineNum, BudgetDate, Company)

  • =FedRptBudget("TFR", "SC11", "7/31/2009") Returns the balance for line SC11 of the TFR Federal Report as of July 2009.
  • =FedRptBudget("TFR", "SC26", "3/17/2009", "Cit") Returns the budget for March 2009 of the Citizens Savings Bank accounts in line SC26 of the TFR Federal Report (ie, it excludes all of the service company accounts). See below for more information about the Company parameter.


The name of the federal report (not its description)


%fineprint{Used in: FedRptAvgBal, FedRptBalance, FedRptBudget, FedRptDescription}%


The abbreviated federal report line number.


%fineprint{Used in: FedRptAvgBal, FedRptBalance, FedRptBudget, FedRptDescription}%


The date that represents the month and year used to retrieve the budget numbers

"3/31/2009"    Returns the budget for March 2009
 "3/1/2009"    Returns the budget for March 2009
"3/17/2009"    Returns the budget for March 2009

%fineprint{Used in: Budget, FedRptBudget, LineBudget, LineBudgetRound}%


The company suffix code used to restrict user report numbers to a single company. To include all companies, either 1) do not enter anything for this parameter or 2) use the abbreviation "Con" (for Consolidated). To include only the default Citizens company, use either 1) double quotes with nothing inside: "" or 2) the abbreviation "Cit" (for Citizens).

"Con"      Consolidated
""         Citizens Savings Bank
"Cit"      Citizens Savings Bank
"CSA"      CSA Services, LLC
"CSB"      CSB Services, Inc.

%fineprint{Used in: FedRptAvgBal, FedRptBalance, FedRptBudget, LineAverage, LineBalance, LineBudget}%

  • gl_excel/fedrptbudget.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/07/24 14:33 UTC
  • by