
NOTE: This documentation represents a feature that has not yet been implemented (see Documentation First Development). Please review it and let us know if this workflow makes sense to you or if we should adjust it before beginning development.

Accessing Tax Maps in Assessor2k

This guide provides instructions on how to access Tax Maps directly by tax map number and indirectly through associated parcels in Assessor2k.

To access Tax Maps directly by their tax map number:

  1. Open Assessor2k
  2. Navigate to the Master Menu
  3. Click on the "Other" tab
  4. Locate and click the "Tax Map Lookup" button
  5. In the Tax Map Lookup form:
    • Enter the desired tax map number in the "Tax Map Number" field
    • Choose between "Live" and "Historical" maps using the radio buttons (Live is selected by default)
    • Click the "View Map" button to display the selected tax map

To access Tax Maps associated with a specific parcel:

  1. Open Assessor2k
  2. Navigate to the desired parcel's Property Form
  3. Click on the "Tax Maps" tab
  4. In the Tax Maps tab:
    • Select between "Live" and "Historical" maps using the radio buttons (Live is selected by default)
    • If the parcel appears on a detailed (inset) map:
      1. Choose between "Detailed Map" and "Full Rural Map" using the radio buttons (Detailed Map is selected by default)
    • Click the "View Map" button to display the selected tax map

Live maps reflect the most current tax map information and are updated regularly based on recent changes in the GIS system.

Historical maps show tax map information as it appeared at a specific point in the past. These maps are static and do not reflect recent changes.

Detailed maps provide a closer view of specific areas within a larger tax map, often used for more densely populated or complex regions.

Full rural maps show the entire tax map area, providing a broader context for the parcel's location.

Tax maps are only accessible when Assessor2k is in "Central" mode. They are not available in "Local" (disconnected) mode.

If you encounter issues accessing tax maps:

  1. Ensure you have the necessary permissions to view tax maps
  2. Verify that Assessor2k is in "Central" mode, not "Local" mode
  3. Check your network connection
  4. If problems persist, contact the IT support team for assistance
  • assessor/pdf_tax_maps.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/07/09 14:23 UTC
  • by mike