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tax_coll:install:brand_new [2022/02/01 16:06 UTC] – [Install Required Programs] mwolfetax_coll:install:brand_new [2022/09/20 14:19 UTC] (current) – [First Run] mwolfe
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 ==== First Run ==== ==== First Run ====
-<wrap important>IMPORTANT:</wrap> Please follow the instructions in [[transfer_files|transferring files from another computer]] if you have used TaxColl2k before and are just moving to a new computer.  The rest of these instructions are for brand new users.+The next steps after installing the program will vary based on your specific situation: 
 +  * [[#moving_to_a_new_computer|Existing TaxColl2k User Moving to a New Computer]]: this is for users who have TaxColl2k data files that they need to move from another computer 
 +  * [[#brand_new_tax_collector|Tax Collector Using TaxColl2k for the First Time]]: this category includes brand new tax collectors and veteran tax collectors moving from a different software package 
 +  * [[#new_taxing_district_user|New Taxing District User]]: this is for new staff in a school district business office or county treasurer's office where other people are currently using (or previously used) TaxColl2k 
 +Please contact us with any questions if you run into problems. 
 +=== Moving to a New Computer === 
 +Please follow the instructions in [[transfer_files|transferring files from another computer]] if you have used TaxColl2k before and are just moving to a new computer.   
 +=== Brand New Tax Collector ===
 The "Get Year and Twp/Boro" form opens when the program starts up for the first time. The "Get Year and Twp/Boro" form opens when the program starts up for the first time.
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   - If the file downloaded correctly, you will get a message box saying "...successfully downloaded..." Click [OK] to dismiss the message:\\ {{:tax_coll:install:successful_download-ok.png?200|}}   - If the file downloaded correctly, you will get a message box saying "...successfully downloaded..." Click [OK] to dismiss the message:\\ {{:tax_coll:install:successful_download-ok.png?200|}}
   - Enter your **District** number in the box then click [OK]:\\ {{:tax_coll:install:get_year_twp-district_ok.png?300|}}   - Enter your **District** number in the box then click [OK]:\\ {{:tax_coll:install:get_year_twp-district_ok.png?300|}}
 +=== New Taxing District User ===
 +Most taxing districts store TaxColl2k data files on a network file server.  You will need to provide the path to those data files the first time you run TaxColl2k.  The easiest way to get that information is from another user in the office who already has access to it.  For simplicity, I'll refer to the existing user's computer as the "old" computer and the one you are setting up as the "new" computer.  
 +  - Open the [Utilities] menu on the new computer
 +  - Click on [Change Dist/Year]
 +  - On the form that opens, **make note of the "District" value**.
 +    * For school districts, this will be a letter.  
 +    * For counties, it should be three zeroes (''000'').
 +  - Click [OK] to close the form on the old computer.
 +  - Click [Close] to close the Utilities Menu on the old computer.
 +  - Click [Settings] on the Main Menu on the old computer.
 +    * At the top of the Settings form, it will say "Data files are located in:".
 +    * The line directly below that will show the location of the data files.\\ {{:tax_coll:install:data_file_loc_cropped.png?direct&300|}}
 +    * **Make note of the //exact// file location from the old computer**.
 +    * //NOTE: Your data location will likely begin with either a double-backslash (''\\'') or a drive letter other than C: (e.g., ''F:\'', ''G:\'', etc.), to indicate that the data is stored on your network and not the local computer.//
 +  - Open TaxColl2k on the new computer.
 +  - The cyan "Get Year and Twp/Boro" form will open automatically
 +  - Enter the "District" value from the old computer.
 +  - Enter the "File Location" value from the old computer.
 +  - Click [OK].
 +<wrap important>Make sure the new user has proper permissions for the data file location!</wrap>
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 TaxColl2k runs inside Microsoft Access.  If you don't have Microsoft Access on your computer, you will need to install the free Access Runtime from our website before installing TaxColl2k. TaxColl2k runs inside Microsoft Access.  If you don't have Microsoft Access on your computer, you will need to install the free Access Runtime from our website before installing TaxColl2k.
-You don't need to worry about whether you have Microsoft Access or not.  When you run our setup program, it will look for a suitable version of Microsoft Access.  If it can't find it, it will let you know.  At that point, you will just need to install the Access Runtime from our website and then re-run the TaxColl2k isntaller.</WRAP>+You don't need to worry about whether you have Microsoft Access or not.  When you run our setup program, it will look for a suitable version of Microsoft Access.  If it can't find it, it will let you know.  At that point, you will just need to install the Access Runtime from our website and then re-run the TaxColl2k installer.</WRAP>
  • tax_coll/install/brand_new.1643731564.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/02/01 16:06 UTC
  • by mwolfe