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Add Payment Plan

Add Payment Plan starts a new payment plan and fills in the following default information: Origin Date - Today's date Start Date - First day of the current month. Payment Count (Pmt Cnt) - 12 Status - Active End Date - Last day of the 12th month A Current Balance List by year with interest calculated to the End Date. Balances for claims prior to the current year are checked for inclusion in the payment plan. Amount Due: Sum of the checked balances in Current Balance List. Deposit Amount: $0.00 Balance Due - Amount Due - Deposit Amount Installment Amt - Balance Due / Payment Count

Once you have created a Payment Plan with these defaults you may change the Origin Date, Start Date, Payment Count, Amount Due and Deposit Amount. The End Date is computed automatically by adding the number of months indicated in the Payment Count. The Amount Due can be entered manually or by checking and unchecking the Include box in the Current Balance List. The Balance Due is computed by subtracting the Deposit Amount from The Amount Due.

  • tax_claim/paymentplanform.1494534765.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/05/11 20:32 UTC
  • by bruce