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probation:report_styles [2023/05/26 19:54 UTC] – [Choosing and Changing Report Styles] mwolfeprobation:report_styles [2023/05/26 20:00 UTC] – [Customization of Default Visibility Settings] mwolfe
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 Users with the proper permissions can modify the default visibility settings for each report style. This capability allows administrators or authorized personnel to define which sections should be visible by default for each style. By tailoring the default visibility settings, the software empowers the probation department to establish standardized report formats that meet their specific needs and align with the expectations of the court. Users with the proper permissions can modify the default visibility settings for each report style. This capability allows administrators or authorized personnel to define which sections should be visible by default for each style. By tailoring the default visibility settings, the software empowers the probation department to establish standardized report formats that meet their specific needs and align with the expectations of the court.
 ==== Adding New Report Styles ==== ==== Adding New Report Styles ====
  • probation/report_styles.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/05/26 20:21 UTC
  • by mwolfe