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assessor:rebates:rebate_reports [2021/07/26 15:26 UTC] – [Opening and Analyzing] samuelassessor:rebates:rebate_reports [2021/07/26 15:33 UTC] – [Finalizing a Rebate] samuel
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 ====Report Types==== ====Report Types====
 +At the bottom of the "Rebate Letter" report window, you should see a "Page" selector.
 +Clicking the right arrow will cycle through the three pages that should be returned.\\
 +Each page is a separate report for each of the taxing districts:
 +  * Page 1 is the County Rebate
 +  * Page 2 is the Municipal Rebate
 +  * Page 3 is the School Rebate
 +As you cycle through the reports, you will notice the relevant values will be in bold.\\
 +//Also, the recipient's address changes based on which taxing district the report is for.//\\
 =====Finalizing a Rebate===== =====Finalizing a Rebate=====
 +//Caution: finalizing the rebate prevents you from directly editing the rebate from the "Edit Rebate" table.\\ You can still amend a rebate, though.//\\
 +The last step in the rebate process is to finalize the rebate. Here's how:\\
 +  - Open the rebate letter from the "Edit Rebate" form and ensure accurate details.
 +  - Close out of the report. You will see the following prompt: **"Did the letter print correctly?"**
 +       -//On clicking "No," the prompt disappears, and the "Edit Rebate" form will be visible with no changes. //
 +  - If the letter has been printed correctly and you are ready to finalize the rebate, click "Yes."
 +  - After clicking "Yes," you will notice that the "Edit Rebate" form refreshes, and you can no longer make\\ changes to the rebate as the controls are locked.
 +  - Underneath the "Rebate Letter" button in the "Edit Rebate" form, you will find a text that reads,\\ "Letter Sent On: " with the current date next to it. This date is recorded as the day a user finalized and sent out \\ the rebate letter to the taxing districts for record purposes.
  • assessor/rebates/rebate_reports.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/07/26 16:12 UTC
  • by samuel