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This function returns the LineAverage in thousands. Its usage and parameters are the same as the LineAverage function, with the exception of the Company parameter*. The LineAverage function is called then the following calculations are performed on the result:

LineAverageRound(UserRpt, LineCode, AvgBalDate, PosNeg, StartDate)

%fineprint{*NOTE: The Company parameter is not supported for this function because it would require User Report Adjustments to be made on a company by company basis, which would add too much complexity to the process.}%

Example Usage

Required Parameters


The name of the user report (not its description)


%fineprint{Used in: LineAverage, LineAverageRound, LineBalance, LineBudget, LineBudgetRound, LineColumn, LineDescription, LineRound}%


The 3-digit user report line item code.


%fineprint{Used in: LineAverage, LineAverageRound, LineBalance, LineBudget, LineBudgetRound, LineColumn, LineDescription, LineRound}%


The date that represents the month and year for which to compute the daily average balance (when used without the optional StartDate parameter).

"3/31/2009"    Returns the daily average balance for 3/1/2009 through 3/31/2009, inclusive
 "3/1/2009"    Returns the daily average balance for 3/1/2009 through 3/31/2009, inclusive
"3/17/2009"    Returns the daily average balance for 3/1/2009 through 3/31/2009, inclusive

The date that represents the month and year through which to compute the daily average balance (when used with the optional StartDate parameter).

"3/31/2009", with StartDate of  1/1/2009    Returns the daily average balance for 1/1/2009 through 3/31/2009, inclusive
 "3/1/2009", with StartDate of 1/31/2009    Returns the daily average balance for 1/1/2009 through 3/31/2009, inclusive
"3/17/2009", with StartDate of 1/12/2009    Returns the daily average balance for 1/1/2009 through 3/31/2009, inclusive

%fineprint{Used in: AvgBal, FedRptAvgBal, LineAverage, LineAverageRound}%

Optional Parameters


Limit results to Positive, Negative, Debit, or Credit only. You may spell out or abbreviate Positive, Negative, Debit, and Credit if you would like to make your formula more readable; the function performs a match on the first character only.

When evaluating numeric formulas such as SUM, Excel treats text as 0. This makes it possible to use this PosNeg parameter to include results of GL formulas in your other Excel formulas only in specific circumstances.

"P"  Show balance only if positive, otherwise display:           Neg Balance
"N"  Show balance only if negative, otherwise display:           Pos Balance
"D"  Show positive number if debit balance, otherwise display:   Credit Balance
"C"  Show positive number if credit balance, otherwise display:  Debit Balance

%fineprint{Used in: AvgBal, Balance, FedRptAvgBal, FedRptBalance, LineAverage, LineAverageRound, LineBalance, LineRound}%


The date that represents the month and year from which to compute the daily average balance (used only with the required AvgBalDate parameter).

 "1/1/2009", with AvgBalDate of 3/31/2009    Returns the daily average balance for 1/1/2009 through 3/31/2009, inclusive
"1/31/2009", with AvgBalDate of  3/1/2009    Returns the daily average balance for 1/1/2009 through 3/31/2009, inclusive
"1/17/2009", with AvgBalDate of 3/12/2009    Returns the daily average balance for 1/1/2009 through 3/31/2009, inclusive

%fineprint{Used in: AvgBal, FedRptAvgBal, LineAverageRound}%