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Import Menu
- Import Receipts - Import receipts sent by the tax collector to the county or a school district. The program will prompt for the township, date of the file and the import drive. This button does not appear on the tax collector’s menu.
- Add Receipts – After checking the receipt totals the county or school district will use this button to add the receipts to their records. This button does not appear on the tax collector’s menu.
- Import New Bills - Import school taxes and interim and supplemental bills from a file that the county will send you. You need to select the tax type, either Municipal or School, and the date, which the county will supply. When the import is complete, the program will display a New Bills Report for you to verify.
- Add New Bills – If everything is correct in the Import New Bills step above then click on Add New Bills, make sure the import information is the same and click OK. This step will add the bills to your file and create ledger entries.
- Import Transfers - This is used in Wayne County to import the transfer listings from the assessment office. This is not available yet in Adams County.
- Transfer Form – This form allows the tax collector to simultaneously view the name and address of recent transfers from the assessment office and the records in their file. If the tax collectors wish to make their record match the new information they can check the Change box in the upper left of the form. After the tax collector has reviewed all of the records he/she can click on Make Changes and the program will update all of the bills selected to change. If the school bills have been issued this process needs to be repeated after changing the Tax Type in the upper right of the form to School. The collector can produce a Transfer Listing report by clicking on Transfer Report. This is not available yet in Adams County.
- Import Exonerns - Imports a list of properties from a file supplied by the Tax Claim Office that have recently sold at a Repository or Judicial Sale. The program will prompt for the type of sale and date. After importing the file, the program will display of list of exonerated properties. This report will indicate any bill that has already had its taxes paid and will therefore not have its taxes exonerated.
- Exonerate Sales - If the Exoneration Report appears in order the Exonerate Sales button will exonerate the taxes for the affected properties and create the appropriate ledger entries.