
This is an old revision of the document!



Bottom line up front. Follow these steps:

  1. Get key steps to remember
  2. Put them in ordered list format
  3. Float that list in upper right of page

This text1) needs a reference.

Here's some keyboard keys: Ctrl + C to copy

This is some highlighted text. Some important text. Full Wrap plugin examples.

Here's a useful tip that doesn't really flow with the rest of the article. It's automatically indented 5% (by virtue of having a width of 90% and being centered).

There is a hidden comment via the Wrap plugin! in the source text for this line. It's added like this:
<wrap hide>hidden comment</wrap>

this is a footnote
  • playground/playground.1496675037.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/06/05 15:03 UTC
  • by mike