


Bottom line up front. Follow these steps:

  1. Get key steps to remember
  2. Put them in ordered list format
  3. Float that list in upper right of page

UNC paths will auto-format to links: (\\dc01\syse) unless we tell it not to using nowiki tags: \\dc01\syse


TaxColl2k Wiki

Matt's Sub Pages

Include Sections from other Wiki Pages

{{section>gb:powershell:exchange#create_session_in_powershell}} resolves to this:

Auto-Replaced Text

The following sets of characters take advantage of the DokuWiki Entities feature to perform automatic text replacement:

  • [_]: ☐
  • [x]: ☒
  • [√]: ☑ (NOTE: to enter the checkmark character, hold down Alt and enter 251 on the numeric keypad [further note: you must use the keypad; entering 251 using the top row of numbers on the keyboard will not work])

Non-breaking spaces (&nbsp;) can be entered using \_. This is managed via the entities.local.conf file.

This text1) needs a reference.

Wrap text in two single-quotes before and after to force ''fixed-width font'': fixed-width font. Fixed width text is easier to copy and paste than variable width fonts. Thus, filenames and other text we're likely to want to select should be entered with the fixed-width font.

Here's a block of VBA code (added via <code vb></code>):

Public Sub HelloWorld()
    Debug.Print "Hello, world!"
End Sub

This is a file that can be downloaded (added via <file text .hgignore></file>):

syntax: glob

You can show code underneath an item in an ordered list without breaking the ordering by using the double-backslash to embed a newline after the item:

  1. Item 1
    SELECT 'Success!'
    FROM Dummy  --see, we can embed line breaks in the SQL, too
  2. Item 2

Here are some keyboard keys: Ctrl + C to copy

This is some highlighted text. Some important text. Full Wrap plugin examples.

Here's a useful tip that doesn't really flow with the rest of the article. It's automatically indented 5% (by virtue of having a width of 90% and being centered).

There is a hidden comment via the Wrap plugin! in the source text for this line. It's added like this:
<wrap hide>hidden comment</wrap>

Use the "TODO" wrap block to embed "technical notes" in our product wiki pages:


This is a technical note that most users probably don't care about.

Simple Mailto: (no body)

<html><a href=" subject with spaces&body=Line 1%0D%0ALine 2& &">Advanced Mailto: (body, cc, and bcc)</a></html>

tl;dr: Append the following text to pasted image tags: ?direct&150|

Images can be copied and directly pasted into DokuWiki via the imgpaste plugin. The plugin will upload the media file from the clipboard, give it a unique name based on the current time, and insert the image tag text into the page at the current cursor location:


Which will appear when rendered as follows:

Most of the time, we don't want large images to distract from the text. You can resize an image to make it smaller and create a link to the full-size image by appending the following text to the image tag inside the double curly braces:



This will render like so:

this is a footnote
  • playground/playground.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/25 13:04 UTC
  • by mwolfe