Print Group Notice

For this example, we will print a letter for five properties that appear to be rental units operating without a rental license.

  1. Open the Contacts form
  2. Choose the five contacts by name and address
    1. Click the button Clear Selected to clear the Select flag from all contacts
      • Note the "Selected" count goes to 0
    2. Search for owners named "Smith"
      1. Click on the triangle to the right of the Last Name header in the bottom half of the form
      2. Choose "Text Filters >"
      3. Choose "Equals…"
      4. Enter "Smith"
      5. Click [OK]
    3. Click the checkbox to the left of the first search result
      • Note the "Selected" count goes to 1
    4. Click the checkbox next to the second search result
      • Note the "Selected" count goes to 2
    5. Search for properties on Terrace St
      1. Click on the triangle to the right of the Last Name header
      2. Choose "Clear filter from Last Name"
      3. Click on the triangle to the right of the Address Line 2 header
      4. Choose "Text Filters >"
      5. Choose "Contains…"
      6. Enter "Terrace St"
      7. Click [OK]
    6. Click the checkbox next to the first three search results
      1. Note the "Selected" count increases to 3, then 4, then 5
  3. Click [Create Notice] to open the Create Notice form
    1. From the "Template" dropdown, choose "Rental Without License"
    2. Click [OK] to create the notice and open the Notice Detail form
  4. Click on the "Addressees" tab
    • Note the five addressees we added earlier are shown on this form
  5. Click [Print Notice] to generate the Notice Report
    1. Click on the [Print] button in the "Print Preview" ribbon at the top left part of the screen to print a hard-copy of the notice
    2. Fold the letters in thirds and place in double window envelopes for mailing