Electronic submission of 1099s is done differently for state and federal.
Federal submission of the 1099 is done through the Filing Information Returns Electronically (FIRE) portal. The portal has a separate area for test submissions (https://fire.test.irs.gov/) and final submissions (https://fire.irs.gov).
The two sites (test and final) are completely independent. A separate user name and password is required for each site. The same credentials may be used for both. Changing the password on the test site, however, does not update the password on the final site, and vice versa.
The system allows submitting multiple test files. Test files should be submitted to ensure that there have been no changes in format from the previous year.
Submission of the 1099-M to Pennsylvania is done through the e-TIDES website. There is no test process for the state submission. The state file should be submitted immediately after submitting the final federal file.