Parcels are identified as being part of a Repository Sale by having the Repository Sale Date filled in. This date can be viewed and edited on the Property Claim Form, near the top of the form in the center. If a Tax Claim Office wants to create the documents provided here it can be done for as few as one property by entering the date the property was sold in this field. There is also a Sale Price which is the minimum bid on documents where that is needed. ====== Pre Sale Dist Notice ====== This function provides a notice of the repository sale and list of the properties to be sold for the affected taxing bodies. It also produces a Certified Mailing list for the post office. In order to create these documents the program prompts for the Repository Sale Date and Amount of the certification fee. The Repository Sale Date is used to determine which properties appear on the reports and the certification fee is printed on the Certified Mailing list. ====== Pre Sale Owner Notice ====== This function provides a notice of the repository sale and list of the properties to be sold for the affected property owners. It also produces a Certified Mailing list for the post office. In order to create these documents the program prompts for the Repository Sale Date and Amount of the certification fee. The Repository Sale Date is used to determine which properties appear on the reports and the certification fee is printed on the Certified Mailing list. ====== Post Sale Dist Notice ====== This function creates a notice for each taxing body that had a property sold at the Repository Sale. The program prompts for at Start Date, End Date, Sale Date and optionally a township. Properties will be included on these notices if they meet all of the following conditions. The Sale Date on the Sale record must be between the Start and End dates, there must be at least one Repository Sale receipt dated between the Start and End dates and the property must have a Repository Sale Date that matches the user entered Sale Date. The township entry is optional, if entered the program will be created only for the selected township, if left blank a report will be created for each township where a property was sold. Additionally this process creates text file for each tax collector in the affected districts. The tax collector may use this file in the G&B Tax Collection program to automatically exonerate current year taxes for the properties that have sold. ====== Auctioneer List ====== This function will prompt the user for a Sale Date then produce a list of properties which match on the Repository Sale Date and includes various identifying information about the parcel and the Sale Price. ====== Sale Master ====== This function will prompt the user for a Sale Date then produce a list of properties which match on the Repository Sale Date and includes various identifying information about the parcel, the Sale Price with a breakdown of its calculation and a list of owners. ====== Sale Receipt ====== This function will prompt the user for a Sale Date then produce a two part receipt for each property with the matching Repository Sale Date. These receipts have blanks for the amount bid, name of winning bidder etc. They are intended to be printed prior to the repository sale in order to make the issuing of receipts faster at the sale. ====== Sale Dates ====== It can be easy to lose track of what dates have been used for repository sale. This button will open a form that displays a list of all the sale dates with the number of parcels and total of the sale prices corresponding to the dates. This form has functions that allows the users to change the sale date, clear the sale date and price and to recalculate the sale price. ====== Deeds ====== This function creates a deed for each property sold at a repository sale. The program prompts for a Sale Date and a Notary Date. In order to have a deed created the Sale Date must match the Sale Date on the Sale Record and the Sale Type on the Sale Record must be Repository. ====== Close ====== This button closes the Repository Sale Menu.