====== Lien Search ====== This is a report that lists all non-repository properties. The header provides basic information about the property, control number, tax map, owner, etc. and the body provides space to enter information about liens. If there is any information regarding liens already on file in the Tax Claim Bureau it can be optionally pre-filled on the form. ====== Assign Jud. Seq. ====== This process assigns a sequence number to a Judicial Sale. The program prompts for the Status, Year and Number. Status can be Judicial Sale 1 or Judicial Sale 2. The normal answer is Judicial Sale 1 but there have been occasions when there was more than one Judicial Sale in a year. The Year is the current year and the Number is the number assigned to the case by the court. The program first applies the Year and Number to the Judicial Sale fields on the Sale record for properties with the selected Status. It then sorts the Sale records in ascending order by their original Upset Sale Year and Number and a assigns a Sequence number to the Judicial Sale Number, starting at 1. In Wayne County this process also resets the Posting Status in the Assessment system. ====== Judicial Sale List ====== This report first prompts for the Judicial Sale Status, Year and Number then produces a report of all of the properties that match those criteria in order by their Judicial Sequence Number. ====== Judicial XRef ====== This report first prompts for the Judicial Sale Status, Year and Number then produces a one line per properties report of all of the properties that match those criteria in alphabetical order by owner name. ====== Assign Dates ====== This process prompts for the Petition Date, Return Date, Judicial Sale Status, Year and Number. It then saves the Petition Date and Return date on the Sale records that match on Judicial Sale Status, Year and Number. ====== Export Resid Chk ====== This process exports the name and address of all Parties of Interest for both Judicial Sales to a DBF file. This file can be processed by the Mailers Program which identifies for each party whether they are a resident of the county. Certain services and processes are performed differently depending on the residency status of the party. Using the Mailers program can identify and update that status more quickly and reliably than a manual process. ====== Import Resid Chk ====== This process reads the residency status from the DBF file after it has been processed by Mailers and applies it to the party record. ====== Notice of Rule ====== This report will prompt the user for which judicial sale, the year and number then produces a Notice of Rule for every party of interest associated with the property. The Judicial Sale Number input is optional. ====== Sheriff Export ====== This process will prompt the user for which judicial sale, the year and number then exports the Notice of Rule information to a file that the Sheriff's Office imports. This saves the Sheriff's Office the effort of entering all of the information for each Notice of Rule that they have to have in there system in order to provide service. The process is currently only in use in Wayne County. ====== Calc Sale Price ====== This process will prompt the user for which judicial sale, the year and number then calculate the Judicial Sales Price. This price is the sum of unpaid costs from the Tax Claim Office, high priority liens such as IRS liens, transfer tax, recording cost, deed fee, and acknowledgement fee (Adams County only). The transfer tax is calculated as 2% of the assessed value times the Common Level Ratio Factor. ====== Export Ad Copy ====== This process prompts the user for a judicial sale then creates a text file containing the property information to be printed in the newspaper advertisement that precedes the Judicial Sale. The text file is saved in a network location that is displayed by the program at the end of the export. ====== Auction List ====== This report prompts the user for which judicial sale, the year and number then produces a list of properties for use at the Judicial Sale. This list includes identifying information regarding the property and the Judicial Sale Price that is the minimum bid. The Judicial Sale Number is optional for this process. This button also generates blank sale receipts which may be used during the sale to speed up the process. The receipts print in duplicate (one copy for the bidder and one for Tax Claim). They work best with letter-size perforated paper. ====== Corporate Complnce ====== This process prompts the user for which judicial sale and the date and time of the sale then produces a form to send to the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue Bureau of Compliance for each property going to Judicial Sale that is owned by a corporation or partnership. ====== Notice Labels ====== This report prompts the user for which judicial sale, the year, number and a Remails Only flag then prints mailing labels for Judicial Sale properties. If the Remails Only flag is checked labels are printed for Judicial Sale properties where the party of interest has the Remail box checked. If the Remails Only flag is not checked labels are printed for Judicial Sale properties where the party of interest has an out of state address. ====== Mark for Posting ====== This process prompts for which judicial sale then marks all of the properties in that sale with a posting status in the Assessment system. This process requires the G&B Assessment program so it is currently in use only in Wayne County. ====== Chg Jud to Repos ====== This report prompts the user for which judicial sale, the year and number then changes the status of those parcels from Judicial to Repository. This process should only be run after all of the other steps and reports in the Judicial Sales are completed. ====== Deed ====== This process prompts for the Sale Date and the Notary Date then produces a deed for every property sold as part of the Judicial Sale. This process is currently set up to print deeds for Judicial Sale 1, it will have to be modified if anyone sets up a second Judicial Sale at the same time. ====== Post Sale Notice ====== This process prompts for a start date, end date, sale date and district. It first produces a report in letter format notifying the tax collector of the properties in his/her district that were sold between the start and end dates and for which the payments were received between those dates. The letter notifies them that as part of the sale the current year taxes have either been collected or forgiven so that they are exonerated from collection on those parcels. In a second step the program produces a text file that lists the same parcels. This text file should be sent to the tax collectors using the G&B Tax Collection program. It allows them to import the list and handles the step of exempting each affected parcel. The files are created in a folder on the tax claim network drive in a folder generally named \TaxClaim\JudYYYYMMDD where YYYYMMDD is the sale date entered at the prompt. The individual files are named JUDXXYYYYMMDD.txt where XX is the district number. The prompt for district number at the start allows the user to create the letters and files one district at a time. If the district is left blank then all of the files and letters are created at the same time. ====== Contact Att Report ====== This button creates the Contact Attempts Report. The user will be prompted for the Status (Judicial Sale 1 or Judicial Sale 2), Judicial Sale Year and Judicial Sale Number. The Judicial Sale Number is optional and if left blank the report will be created for all properties for the selected Judicial Sale Year. This report then lists all contact attempts for all properties included in the specified Judicial Sale. Contact Attempts are recorded from the Sale Form by clicking on the Contact Attempts button which opens a form that allows the user to enter information regarding attempts to contact an owner or lien holder. ====== Copy Liens ====== This process will copy the Liens from one property to another. The user is prompted for a From Control Number and a To Control Number. All of the existing Liens on the To Control Number are deleted then all of the Liens from the From Control Number are copied to the To Control Number. This can be convenient where multiple properties in the the same development have the same lien holders. Some editing of the copied Liens may be necessary if there are any differences between the two properties such as the amount of the liens. ====== Reset Remail Flg ====== This process will remove all of the Remail Flags. Some reports can be re-run so that only Parties of Interest with a Remail Flag set will be included. The Remail Flags remain set until they are cleared so the first step in preparing to run a report that uses the Remail Flag is to remove the existing flags. Remember that the same flag is used to indicate remails for Upset and Judicial sales. The Remail Flag can be set from the Party of Interest area on the Property Form. ====== Remail Notice ====== This button will create a Post Office receipt for certified mail for each judicial sale property owner number 1 marked with a Remail Flag. ====== NonRep to Judicial ====== This process will change the Status of all Non-Repository properties to a Status of Judicial Sale Number 1. The user receives a notification about what the process will do before proceeding so there is an opportunity to cancel. ====== Apply Cost ====== This process applies a cost to the properties that are part of a Judicial Sale. The user will be prompted for the Status (Judicial Sale 1 or Judicial Sale 2), Amount and Description. The program then creates a cost record for every property that is part of the selected sale using the amount and description entered by the user. ====== Close ====== This button closes the Judicial Sale Menu.