====== Balance ====== This function returns the balance of a GL account or TFR line number as of a certain date. **Balance(AcctNum, BalanceDate, //PosNeg//)** ==== Example Usage ==== * **=Balance("1010-000", "7/31/2009")** Returns the balance for account 1010-000 as of the end of the day July 31, 2009. * **=Balance("SC110", "1/31/2009")** Returns the balance for TFR line number SC110 as of the end of the day January 31, 2009. * **=Balance("3110-000", "12/31/2009")** Returns the balance for income account 3110-000 just prior to the 2009 year-end closeout. * **=Balance("3110-000", "12/31/2009 8:00PM")** Returns 0.00 because 3110-000 is an income account and 8:00 PM is past the year-end closeout time. * **=Balance("1010-000", "3/17/2009", "C")** Returns 'Debit Balance' because the balance for account 1010-000 on March 17, 2009 was a debit balance and the "C" in our formula told Excel to only display the balance if it was a credit. See below for more information about the PosNeg parameter. ==== Required Parameters ==== {{section>parameters#acctnum}} {{section>parameters#balancedate}} ==== Optional Parameters ==== {{section>parameters#posneg}}