//NOTE: This documentation represents a feature that has not yet been implemented (see [[https://nolongerset.com/documentation-first-development/|Documentation First Development]]). Please review it and let us know if this workflow makes sense to you or if we should adjust it before beginning development.// ====== Accessing Tax Maps in Assessor2k ====== This guide provides instructions on how to access Tax Maps directly by tax map number and indirectly through associated parcels in Assessor2k. ===== Direct Access (By Tax Map Number) ===== To access Tax Maps directly by their tax map number: - Open Assessor2k - Navigate to the Master Menu - Click on the "Other" tab - Locate and click the "Tax Map Lookup" button - In the Tax Map Lookup form: * Enter the desired tax map number in the "Tax Map Number" field * Choose between "Live" and "Historical" maps using the radio buttons (Live is selected by default) * Click the "View Map" button to display the selected tax map ===== Indirect Access (By Parcel Control Number) ===== To access Tax Maps associated with a specific parcel: - Open Assessor2k - Navigate to the desired parcel's Property Form - Click on the "Tax Maps" tab - In the Tax Maps tab: * Select between "Live" and "Historical" maps using the radio buttons (Live is selected by default) * If the parcel appears on a detailed (inset) map: - Choose between "Detailed Map" and "Full Rural Map" using the radio buttons (Detailed Map is selected by default) * Click the "View Map" button to display the selected tax map ===== Map Types ===== ==== Live Maps ==== Live maps reflect the most current tax map information and are updated regularly based on recent changes in the GIS system. ==== Historical Maps ==== Historical maps show tax map information as it appeared at a specific point in the past. These maps are static and do not reflect recent changes. ==== Detailed (Inset) Maps ==== Detailed maps provide a closer view of specific areas within a larger tax map, often used for more densely populated or complex regions. ==== Full Rural Maps ==== Full rural maps show the entire tax map area, providing a broader context for the parcel's location. ===== Important Note ===== Tax maps are only accessible when Assessor2k is in "Central" mode. They are not available in "Local" (disconnected) mode. ===== Troubleshooting ===== If you encounter issues accessing tax maps: - Ensure you have the necessary permissions to view tax maps - Verify that Assessor2k is in "Central" mode, not "Local" mode - Check your network connection - If problems persist, contact the IT support team for assistance